Gaming • Politics • Preparedness
The place where my Supporters and me can Interact, Share, and Grow together. Not only regarding War Thunder or Gaming in general, but also in other areas of Life. In a place where we dont have to worry about Censorship or Cancel Culture.
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June 29, 2022
The Economic Tidal Wave comming for us! Jabber with Jengar 40

Our leaders seem to have other motives then our wellbeing. Any of us would most likely do a better job representing our interests.

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January 30, 2023
UKRAINE WAR UPDATE! Jabber with Jengar 42

About time to give you an update! Merkel, Hollande, western tanks, what does it all mean?

August 11, 2022
FREEDOM Is Precious! Jabber with Jengar 41

A few days since i turned 46, i felt like talking to you guys, this is 27 minutes of the how and why of freedom, and its fragile state in our world. Enjoy!

June 01, 2022
Warfare: Tactical, Operational, Strategic! Jabber with Jengar 39

Rational thought vs Emotional response.

June 10, 2023
The Things ppl do trying to fool others.

Sorry for neglecting this speace for a while, i'll be back soon! o7

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"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you;

tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face;

tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you;

and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…

information is power.

Guard yours well."

Yeah, it's the insufferable War Thunder Naval mode but...
486K SL w 300% booster. A personal record. Also received "Terror of the Ocean".
I used the 6.0 USS Helena and never got sunk. I don't know why the American ships are so OP - not only in firepower but in nominal SL boosters. I HATE facing them in any other ship lineup, as I'm sure others do too.

Happy New Year ALL.

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